
Téva Audience Award 2018

Estée Lauder Pink Ribbon Photo Award

In 2016, Téva, the first women's channel, celebrated its 20th birthday and became the first year partner of the Estée Lauder Pink Ribbon Photo Award, by organizing the Téva Audience Award on its website.

For Téva, who defines herself as a "benevolent and inspiring accomplice" for her female audience, this partnership seemed all the more natural as the channel and its animators are among the most active supporters of Le Cancer du Sein, Parlons-en ! Association.

logo teva

More than 11 million people watch Téva every month, which makes Téva the 1st female audiences channel among subscriving channels.


Marie-Laure De-Haro

“The pink rose has always been associated with feelings of love and gratitude. This bouquet is my small way of thanking you all, my family and friends, my crutches, my lifelines. You took it in turns to always be beside me, unfailingly available, you were there from the start, you are still here today, you are there in my everyday life, in your own way. You have dried my tears, you have even managed to sometimes make me forget my suffering, you spoiled me with so much attention and care. Here or elsewhere, you mean so much to me. I love you so much.” —Valérie


Winners 2018


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